Child's Cabled Cardigan by Nancy J. Thomas and Ilana Rabinowitz

Child's Cabled Cardigan

no longer available from 1 source show
November 2002
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
734 yards (671 m)
Child: Size 2 (32"), 4 (34"), 6 (36"), 8 (38")

The Child’s Cabled Cardigan a perfect way to add textured stitches into your knitting! Cables can seem intimidating at first, but are much easier than one would think. This simple cardigan is a wonderful way to try your hand at cables while working on a smaller scale project. Knit in pieces and then seamed together, the Child’s Cabled Cardigan will have you hooked on cables.

Size: Child’s 2 (4, 6, 8)
Chest measurement: 32 (34, 36, 38)“