Christmas Pudding Egg Cosy by Lorraine Hearn

Christmas Pudding Egg Cosy

US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm

This is another design from the Christmas Accessories Leaflet. This Christmas Pudding Egg Cosy looks very festive on your breakfast table.

This is a fun project and great for raiding your stash of odd balls of yarn.

I used Malabrigo Twist yarn for the main Cristmas Pudding. Debbie Bliss Cotton dk for the Icing trim at the bottom of the pud but any cotton dk works well here. Wool blends literally a metre for the leaves and a strand for the tiny berry.

Of course you will need more if you are making more than one egg cosy .

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Happy Knitting and Happy Christmas Clicking!