Cinnamomum pullover by Teti Lutsak

Cinnamomum pullover

September 2021
Sport (12 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette in the round
US 7 - 4.5 mm
4.5 mm
815 - 2094 yards (745 - 1915 m)
1 (2, 3, 4, 5) (6, 7, 8, 9) see more details below
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Cinnamomum is a closely fitted round yoke pullover with a rather unusual construction and beautiful textured yoke. From the provisional cast-on the yoke is knit bottom up and the body and sleeves — top down. The yoke and hem are decorated with a delicate mix of cables and twisted ribbing.

“Cinnamomum” is the genus name of the tree species used to produce cinnamon spice. Their inner bark is ground to produce that aromatic powder that we are all familiar with. The colour of the yarn I used for the sample inspired the name and it’s one of my favourite spices in the whole world regardless of the season.

You will find more details about the design and inspiration behind it on my YouTube channel.


The pattern is written for nine sizes 1 (2, 3, 4, 5) (6, 7, 8, 9) to fit 74 (84, 94, 104, 114) (124, 134, 144, 154) cm // 29 (33, 37, 41, 45) (49, 53, 57, 61) in bust circumference with ca. 6 cm (2.25 in) of positive ease and a finished bust circumference of 80 (90, 100, 110, 120) (130, 140, 150, 160) cm // 31.5 (35.5, 39.25, 43.25, 47.25) (51.25, 55, 59, 63) in.

The sample is shown in size 2 on a 160 cm (5.3 ft) tall model with ca. 84–66–94 cm (33–26–39 in) body measurements. For the finished garment measurements, please refer to the schematic on page 2.


ca. 260 (300, 350, 400, 440) (500, 560, 620, 670) g or 6 (6, 7, 8, 9) (10, 12, 13, 14) skeins of Vovo by Retrosaria, 100% wool with 143 m (156 yds) in 50 g skein, shown in colourway 11 (cinnamon);

with an estimated yardage of ca. 744 m // 813 yds (858//936, 1001//1104, 1144//1277, 1258//1374) (1430//1568, 1602//1755, 1773//1946, 1916//2096).
Or any other yarn to match the gauge.

Needles and notions

4.5 mm (US 7) circular needles with ca. 60–100 cm (24–40 in) cables; cable needle or short double pointed needle to work cable twists (same size or smaller); spare cables or spare circular needles to keep stitches on hold; scrap yarn for provisional cast-on; a few stitch markers, one of which removable; a crochet hook for provisional cast-on and crochet bind-off (any size close to the needle size); a tapestry needle to weave in the ends (optional).


22 sts & 28 rows in 10 cm (4 in) measured over stockinette stitch worked in the round after blocking on 4.5 mm (US 7) needles;
24 sts & 36 rows in 10 cm (4 in) measured over 1x1 twisted rib worked in the round after blocking on 4.5 mm (US 7) needles.
Adjust the needle sizes if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

Construction note

The pullover is worked in a similar way as my Between petals pullover, from the provisional cast-on the yoke is worked bottom up and the body and sleeves — top down. Such approach allows for more discrete shaping with decreases instead of increases and gives an opportunity to easily adjust the neck width. It also allows to easily adjust the length and width of both yoke and body, which is not always possible if you work bottom up.


p. 4
Rnd 17: remove BOR marker, p1, k5, place marker for new BOR
(6 sts to the left), p1, k11, p1, 5-6LC; rep from to EOR.
The chart is wrong in this rnd and shows 3-3LC.
Follow the written instruction!