CO Flag Mtn Sunset Hat by Genevieve Krzeminski

CO Flag Mtn Sunset Hat

December 2022
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
16 stitches = 4 inches
in St st
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
140 - 190 yards (128 - 174 m)
Adult, Child, Adult Large
This pattern is available for $7.00 USD buy it now

As a Colorado native living in the mountains, I get daily joy
from looking at the mountains and seeing beautiful sunsets.
Im blessed to have this frequent experience, and it led me
to create this using a tweed yarn that comes in many
glorious colors and captures the nuanced colors in the sky.
I hope you will get joy from this pattern as I did.
Size: Adult Medium (fits medium adult heads with

Yarn: Brooklyn Tweed Shelter (100% wool) 1 skein = 140
yards/50g. I used less than a whole skein of each color.
Color A = Venezia (purple)
Color B = Amaranth (red-orange)
Color C = Embers (orange)
Color D/J = Hayloft #21
Color E = Almanac #30lue)
Color F/G = Homemade Jam (purple-red)
Color H = Fossil #23
Color I = Long Johns #1

Needles: Needle A: S size 5 (3.75mm) and Needle B: US
size 7 (4.50 mm), 16 circular and set of 4 or 5 dpns in size
7. Or size needed to obtain gauge.

Gauge: 16 sts over 4 or 4 sts/in in St st.

Pattern includes color chart and written instructions for hat structure.