Colour Block Chevron Cowl by Therese Grinter

Colour Block Chevron Cowl

June 2019
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Flag of English English
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Colour Block Chevron Cowl

This pattern would suit a confident beginner who has mastered knit and purl and would like to try a chevron pattern. This pattern includes a provisional cast on and Kitchener stitch graft for an invisible join. If you do not feel confident with this method cast on normally and cast off normally and join with a slip stitch at the end. The pattern comes in two sizes, single and double and can be made to any length. While the pattern is done in 8 ply with 4 mm needles, it can be made in any ply of wool as long as you adapt the width of the cowl. It’s a great way to use up yarn you have left over from other projects.

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