Cotton Stretchy Baby Hat by Lucy Wacksman

Cotton Stretchy Baby Hat

This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This pattern uses larger needles than the Fixation (stretchy) yarn asks for on the label. It is made with size 9 dpns and a 16” size 9 circular (or just the dpns). Use smaller needles if you want a thicker hat. The size 9’s make it super stretchy to grow with any size baby!

For quick reference, here is the pattern (w/o all the photos and instructions):
Cast on 60 st. loosely (16” circs or three dpns)
Knit in the round for 4”
Decreases (20 sts on each of 3 DPNs)
Round 1: K8, K2tog repeat to end.
Round 2: Knit all stitches
Round 3: K7, K2tog repeat to end
Round 4: Knit all stitches
Round 5: K6, K2tog repeat to end
Round 6: Knit all stitches
Round 7: K5, K2tog repeat to end
Round 8: Knit all stitches
Round 9: K4, K2tog repeat to end
Round 10: K3, K2 tog repeat to end
Round 11: K2, K2 tog repeat to end
Round 12: K1, K2tog repeat to end
Round 13: K2tog repeat to end
There should be 6 stitches left.

  • Cut yarn, leaving 6-9” tail, thread end on tapestry needle.
  • Start at beginning of round and remove stitches from dpns with tapestry needle onto the yarn tail. Pull yarn tail like draw string to close up the top when all stitches are off dpns. Pull tail through to wrong side of hat and weave into hat.