Crazy Cabled Cowl for Loom Knitters by Julie Harvell

Crazy Cabled Cowl for Loom Knitters

Loom Knitting
December 2013
Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
Gauge is not essential
80 - 120 yards (73 - 110 m)
One Size Fits All
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

So, I was tired of not knowing how to cable, so I improvised this little repeat to get the hang of it.

If you want a less twisted look, just do either C1L and C2L over and over , or C1R and C2R over and over…it’s by mixing up the left and right leaning cables that it gets a bit of a more twisted look, which is what I wanted for my first learning project.

I mixed a 2 peg cable and a 1 peg cable in this as well to learn both techniques, you may want to do just one or the other.

For a first cable project, I really recommend the Cuddle Fleece Yarn- since there are no individual fibers really then you don’t have to worry about fibers jumping ship so to speak, and it makes the learning process a lot easier.

I did this in my nephews school colors first (the black and red) and then went back and did a solid blue in the Charisma yarn. Exact same pattern followed, didn’t feel the need to block either.

Shown project was done on 60 pegs, large gauge setting on Martha Stewart loom.

If you have questions, please let me know, I would love to help you out.

Also, check out for great updates. Kristen taught me everything I know on her YouTube channel, and its a great place to learn. Can’t recommend enough.