Criss Crossing Cables Turtleneck Scarf by Linda Lehman

Criss Crossing Cables Turtleneck Scarf

Sport (12 wpi) ?
6 stitches = 1 inch
in stockinette
US 4 - 3.5 mm
400 - 600 yards (366 - 549 m)
One size fits most, but can be adjusted.
This pattern is available from for $6.50.

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is a listing for a pattern for a cabled turtleneck scarf. It is both light and warm, as the turtleneck part keeps you warm and the side panels show off your knitting prowess. It has cabled diamonds that utilize various cables, that are just interesting enough to keep you from getting bored. You can easily make this scarf without the turtleneck if you prefer a more traditional scarf

Skill Level: Intermediate (assuming a basic knowledge of cable knitting.)

The pattern is both charted and written out line by line.

The yarn used in the sample is Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sport (undyed).

The wrap was expertly pattern tested by Deb Terrio, who can be contacted at:, and is known on Ravelry as jstd3t.

The pattern is for sale at:
(in the non-traditional scarf section)