Crochet Flowers on a Short Sleeve Knitted Jumper by Ivy Powell

Crochet Flowers on a Short Sleeve Knitted Jumper

November 1937
Light Fingering ?
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 5 - 3.75 mm
34in. bust measurement
This pattern is available for free.

A PLAIN short-sleeved jumper in stocking stitch can be converted into a delightful model when worked with lines of green stemstitch and trimmed with crochet flowers in soft pastel tones.

Materials: 6 skeins yellow 3-ply wool, 1 skein green 3-ply wool, small quantity of various pastel shades for flowers, 1 pair No. 12 needles, 1 pair No. 9 needles.

Link to The Sun.