Crystal Cascade by Anniken Allis

Crystal Cascade

Gorgeous half hexagon shawl featuring a pretty diamond and flowers stitch pattern and a scalloped edging. The shawl is knitted in one piece from the top down. The half hexagon shape is created by working paired yarn overs along the edges and 2 centre increase points on every right side row.

This shawl was first published in Simply Knitting 79.

Requires 800m/100gr lace yarn.

Patterns purchased before March 2013:
Main Chart, column 50 should be ssk.
Edging Chart, column 17 should be ssk.
Ravelry pattern has been updated. If you’ve purchased a pattern at a show prior to March 2013 please add errata.

Pattern is called Zarte Stola in Fantasische Strick-Ideen and Beste Freundin in Simply Stricken