Easy Abiko Cable Lace Shawl by Linda Lehman

Easy Abiko Cable Lace Shawl

May 2019
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
4.75 stitches = 1 inch
in cable lace stitch, aggressively blocked
US 6 - 4.0 mm
950 - 1150 yards (869 - 1052 m)
22 1/2 inches x 72 - 74 inches
This pattern is available for $6.75 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

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This is a knit wrap pattern that features a single cable lace stitch that come to us from Japan. It is a fun. fairly easy, yet interesting knit. The cable lace stitch allows you to knit two of your favorite stitches in a single pattern, and can easily handle variegated yarn. Further, it’s so pretty that it will quickly become a favorite, or wonderful gift. and can easily handle variegated yarns. Further, the stitch is very open allowing you to use it for the remainder of the summer and into the fall.

The pattern also contains instructions for an optional crocheted edging.

The stitch is both charted and written out line by line.

Skill Level: Beginner + - Intermediate (assuming a working knowledge of both cable and lace knitting.)

Skill Level for the optional Edging:Beginner + - Intermediate (assuming a working knowledge of crocheting)

The shawl shown in the sample was made with Fleece Artists Lofty 2 - 6 yarn in colorway, Mint, and was expertly test knitted by Yvette McElroy, who can be reached at: yvette31@hotmail.com.

The pattern is for sale at:
(in the Beginner to Intermediate Shawl Pattern Section)
And in my Ravelry Store:

If you enjoy the benefits of purchasing E-Books, there are over 30 separate E-Books listed at the bottom of my design page: https://www.ravelry.com/designers/linda-lehman, and my 5 for 4 discount applies to E-Books as well.