Edoras by Melanie Rountree


November 2023
both are used in this pattern
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
19 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
345 - 960 yards (315 - 878 m)
17 sizes to fit 28" to 60" busts.
low vision format available
This pattern is available for $8.52 USD buy it now

A versatile Lord of the Rings inspired pattern that can be altered to suit. Knit the front and side motifs, or leave them off and use the pattern as a blank slate for your own ideas. Not a fan of Suri Alpaca? Try it with a fingering weight yarn.

Purchase includes an additional Low Vision File with 22 point Sans Serif Font, no columns or italics, and page numbers on the right side.

About Edoras:

This sweater is worked by knitting the back panel first, then placing it on hold. The shoulders are picked up and worked from the cast on edge of the back panel, first left, then right. When the right shoulder is the correct length, it is knit across, the neck front is cast on, and the left shoulder is knit across. Knitting continues back and forth for the remainder of the front panel. At the underarm, the sweater is joined in the round for the rest of the body.

Sizes 6-17 have bust increases after joining in the round. These are easily modified to add more or less circumference, or for use across other sizes if needed. The sweater is then tapered slightly to the waist, before increasing to accommodate the hips. All shaping is optional, and can be customized using the Alteration Guide. At the bottom, short rows are worked on both the front and the back before binding off. The knitter has the choice of working i-cord edging around the armholes and neck to create a finished vest, or sleeves may be added. These are worked from the top down using German Short Rows. The optional gauge neck is picked up in the round, and then separated in the back flat.


Sizes: 1(2, 3, 4, 5)(6, 7, 8, 9)(10, 11, 12, 13)(14, 15, 16, 17) This pattern is designed to fit 28” to 60” busts with 1” negative ease throughout the upper body and bust and 1” positive ease in the lower body. The sleeves fit with approximately 4” of positive ease in the bicep.

Note: I was not able to find testers for sizes 12, 13, 15, 16, and 17. If you would like to try any of these sizes for free in exchange for feedback, please contact me. I am also happy to grade out to larger upper bust measurements if you need a larger size!

Materials List and Full Size Chart PDF

Skill Level: Intermediate. Short Rows, Picking up stitches, and Applied I-cord are probably the most difficult techniques used. There are video tutorials throughout the pattern to guide you along.


Vest: 19 sts and 26 stockinette rows in 4” (10.2cm) blocked, with worsted weight yarn on larger needles. Tip: take unblocked measurements so you have a working gauge to prevent surprises, particularly in length.

Sleeves and Neck: 23 sts and 28 stockinette rows in 4” (10.2cm), blocked, with lace weight yarn held single smaller needles.


  • Vest Yarn:

Cropped: 345 (365, 385, 400, 420)(435, 460, 470, 490)(515, 530, 545, 565)(580, 595, 615, 635) yards or 315 (330, 350, 365, 380)(395, 420, 430, 445)(470, 480, 495, 515)(530, 540, 560, 580) meters

Blouse Length: 435 (480, 490, 530, 530)(550, 615, 605, 630)(665, 710, 705, 755)(790, 765, 810, 820) yards or 395 (435, 445, 480, 480)(500, 560, 550, 575)(605, 645, 640, 685)(720, 695, 735, 745) meters

Tunic Length: 540 (580, 615, 640, 670)(695, 745, 770, 800)(840, 865, 895, 925)(965, 980, 1035, 1055) yards or 490 (530, 560, 580, 610)(630, 680, 700, 730)(765, 785, 815, 840)(880, 890, 940, 960) meters of Worsted weight yarn, about 219 yds (200m) to 3.5oz (100g). The sample uses Campfiber Yarns Plump 85 Worsted, which 196 yds (180m) to 3.5 oz (100g).

  • Sleeve and Neckline Yarn:

Sleeves: 335 (350, 405, 425, 445)(525, 570, 590, 620)(665, 740, 765, 820)(875, 935, 995, 1055) yards or 305 (320, 370, 390, 405)(480, 520, 540, 565)(610, 675, 700, 750)(800, 855, 910, 965) meters

Neck: 105 (105, 105, 110, 110)(110, 110, 115, 115)(115, 125, 115, 125)(125, 125, 125, 130) yards or 95 (95, 95, 100, 100)(100, 100, 105, 105)(105, 115, 105, 115)(115, 115, 115, 120) meters of Campfiber Yarns Suri Alpaca Lace or other mohair-type yarn around 300m/50g.

Please note that Suri Alpaca is a thicker lace weight. To achieve similar thickness with mohair, you may need to hold it double, which may require double the amount.

** Yardage reflects needs for pattern as written and with shaping, these amounts will change if alterations are made.**

Suggested Needles:

(Vest) US Size 7 (4.5 mm) circular knitting needles, or size needed for correct gauge.

(Sleeves and Neck) US Size 6 (4mm) circular knitting needles, or size needed for correct gauge.

Tip: Size down an additional needle size for the sections with flat knitting if you tend to do this more loosely. You may even wish to size down further when knitting the shoulder straps in order to meet gauge.

Circular needle lengths should correspond to the chest and sleeve measurements of your garment. If there is a great difference between your upper bust, full bust, waist, or hips, plan to have lengths corresponding to each of these.


Stitch markers Removeable stitch markers
Tapestry needle 1-1.25” 2.5-3cm button