Emmett, the Tyrannosaurus Rex by Marie Overton

Emmett, the Tyrannosaurus Rex

February 2022
yarn held together
+ Worsted
= Aran (8 wpi) ?
5.0 mm (H)
6700 - 7000 yards (6126 - 6401 m)
This pattern is available from etsy.com for $9.99.

Emmett is an adorable little (big) dinosaur. My kids have been enthralled with dinosaurs since they were tiny. With how many times I have been to natural history museums to visit their dinosaur exhibits I am surprised I haven’t made more of them. He is just over 6 feet long and the perfect stuffed buddy to cuddle with while reading a good book or watching TV. I made his head just the right size for a pillow and used high-density foam so the little ones can ride on him without worrying about squishing his stuffing. While this pattern is large, it is not that complex. I would rate it as an intermediate pattern. I have many video links and photos to help with this project.