Ernie Stocking by Madison Hansen

Ernie Stocking

December 2023
Aran (8 wpi) ?
2 repeats = 4 inches
5.0 mm (H)
175 - 225 yards (160 - 206 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This is the ninth installment in my series of patterns using the very back loop of the half double crochet, which is one of my favorite crochet effects.
My mom’s crocheted Christmas stockings were one of her projects that inspired me the most to learn crochet when I was growing up. I figured it was time to make my own version using some of my favorite stitches and construction techniques.

This is named after one of our cats, Ernie. He’s so precious to us and happens to only have one back leg. That’s perfect for stockings, right? Everyone just gets one!

What You’ll Need:

  • Roughly 175-225 yards of medium 4 weight yarn. I used entirely yarn from my stash, almost all scraps of Joann’s Big Twist line.

  • The hook size you normally use with medium 4 weight yarn to produce your ideal tension. For the purposes of this pattern, tension is actually a lot more important than gauge. I recommend using whatever hook size you normally use with medium 4
    weight yarn to produce the desired
    tension: your stitches shouldn’t be
    particularly “gap-y” in order to
    ensure the stocking is sturdy. For
    reference, I used a 5.0mm hook. I
    recommend working up the first 2-3
    rounds of the toe to see if you like
    the tension before moving on.

  • Scissors and stitch markers.

Pattern Notes:

  • Difficulty Level: I would say this is an intermediate level pattern.

  • Construction: The stocking is worked from the toe up all in one piece. The strap for hanging the stocking is worked in a separate piece and attached at the end.

  • Color Changes: For the color used for the toe, heel, cuff, and accent stripes (which are every round 3 of the foot and leg), you only need two total ends! It’s easy to carry it up the inside of the stocking.