Family Christmas Stockings by 2Kmama Ginger

Family Christmas Stockings

This pattern is available for free.

Christmas Stockings based on some from the 1950s.

I recreated this pattern from the stockings my Grandfolks’ had (nice tribute to Chet and Dorie). After their passing, the newer generation came along - and thus the desire was born to make stockings for them.

Having only made socks in the round, as soon as the pattern allowed, I put it all on a circular needle and started the foot sections in a more traditional way. My Aunt says she remembers the originals being sewn all the way up, but I had no experience with working socks that way. Thus, this pattern was ‘created’.

Hope they bring as much joy to your family as they do to mine.

Charts included for 4 different graphs : Santa and Tree, Dancing Santa, Santa in Chimney, and Jack in the Box Santa.

Difficulty level : Moderate
Finished length : Approximately 22” from cuff to toe in sport weight yarn
Yarn : Any colorfast acrylic yarn in sport or worsted weight.

Needles : Size 4. The leg of stocking is knitted flat and the foot is knitted in the round so you will need a set of size 4 straight needles or a 16” circular needle to knit the leg, plus 1 set of five size 4 double point needles or a second circular needle to knit the foot and toe.

Gauge : (Not too important) 10 st and 14 rows per 2” in sport weight

Additional materials Stitch markers; you may want to use bobbins for small lengths of yarn; yarn needle for sewing back seam.