Fashionable Pill-Box Hat by Evette

Fashionable Pill-Box Hat

by Evette
March 1935
10 stitches and 9 rows = 2 inches
22-23 inch head
This pattern is available for free.

This fashionably built pill-box hat is quite the newest thing in the millinery world, and you can make one for yourself very cheaply. The result will be an attractive, model which, you can either trim with fringe, as pictured here, or with a feather mount, which is more suited to the woman of more mature years. Chenille is the material used for its making, and as this has a velvety texture it is flattering to most complexions.

Two, hanks chenille in color desired (navy is smart).
One bone crochet hook.

Tension.—Five sts. to the inch (width); 9 rows to 2 inches (depth).

The hat is made to fit a 22-23 inch head.