Fast & Easy Flat Mittens by Liane Schwartz

Fast & Easy Flat Mittens

August 2006
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
10 stitches and 15 rows = 4 inches
7.5 mm
This pattern is available for free.

I love this mitten pattern- it’s super fast and easy, it’s worked entirely flat, and there’s no need for double pointed needles or anything. The only other tools you need are a stitch holder (for the thumb) and a darning needle.

There’s just one problem- the original knitting directions for the palm don’t match up to the number of stitches they give you. So I’ve gone ahead and written up revised instructions to fix that problem; for your convenience, the full set of instructions is included below.

Enjoy! pigeoning :)


R1-10 Cast on 22sts, work in K1, P1 rib for 3 inches/10 rows.
R11 (RS) K1, °K2, M1; rep from ° to last 3 sts, K3. (28sts)
R12-18 Work in St st.
R19 M1 on the 8th & 18th stitches.
R20 M1 on the 8th & 22nd stitches.
R21 K11, place 10 sts on a holder, K11. (22sts)
R22-32 Work in St st.
R33 °K2tog, K3; rep from ° to last 2 sts, K2tog. (17 sts)
R34 Work in St st.
R35 °K2tog, K3; rep from ° to last 2 sts, K2tog. (13 sts)
• Break Yarn, thread through darning needle and thread through remaining stitches. Pull tight and fasten off. Sew side seam using mattress stitch.

• Pick up remaining 10 stitches from holder and work in st st for 5 rows.
• Next Row: °K2tog; rep from ° to end. (5 sts)
• Break Yarn, thread through darning needle and thread through remaining stitches. Pull tight and fasten off. Sew seam using mattress stitch. Weave in ends.