Goldilocks Blanket by Petal71

Goldilocks Blanket

by Petal71
September 2023
DK (11 wpi) ?
Not important
5.5 mm (I)
Any size
This pattern is available for NZ$5.00 NZD buy it now

Why is it called the Goldilocks Blanket?

Well, I wanted a blanket and I decided on a circle.
That was the easy part.
Then I wanted it a bit lacy but not too lacy, easy but not boringly so!

I eventually came up with this.
Just right! Like the 3 bears.

It’s 3 basic rows with the ‘straight’ row differing a little to achieve the increases.

I’ve used a 5.5mm hook with Stylecraft special DK yarns, and 12 stitch markers.
Stitch markers can be the plastic clip ones or paper clips or even scraps of yarn.
Anything to save counting!

More info at: Petal Crochets
Including the square and the straight stripes mods!