Grandma says yes by Off the Hook Mamma

Grandma says yes

March 2018
Aran (8 wpi) ?
15 stitches and 16 rows = 4 inches
in single crochet (US)
4.0 mm (G)
1885 - 2000 yards (1724 - 1829 m)
Toddler Blanket

This Pattern includes a 4 page graph chart for a “Grandma says Yes” toddler blanket. These pages can be cut/taped together before beginning your project for best results.
It is designed in Single Crochet stitches and the final measurement is 40” x 52”.
I suggest that you use stitch markers every 5 or 10 rows (using two colours for these measurements will be helpful) & mark off your graph as you complete rows/ partial rows so that you will always know exactly where you are working should you put down your project.

Swatch Instructions:
(Row 1) Ch 15 + 1, turning rows & work back into the second loop from the hook SC 15 sts across the foundation (NOTE: SC all sts through the back bump in your starting chain for a neat and uniform look). (Row 2-16) Ch1, SC 15. FO & weave in ends.
Please share your finished makes with me on social media!