Hailstone Jumper by Barbara Coddington

Hailstone Jumper

DK (11 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 30 rows = 4 inches
in stocking stitch in the round
547 - 1422 yards (500 - 1300 m)
86.5 cm chest (left) and 76.5 cm chest (right)

This jumper is designed for kids who grow faster than you can knit. It is knitted top-down and in the round so you can choose a size based on width and knit the length to fit. And next year (or next month), you can unpick and add a few rounds to the hems and wa-la: still fits. (My son’s jumper is into its second year of wear after one sleeve extension.)

The hailstone sequence provides an easily customised striping pattern that lets you use up odd balls (or stretch out the yarn you bought two years ago and isn’t enough to fit kiddo anymore).

Pattern has instructions for chest sizes 66 (71.5, 76.5, 81.5, 86.5, 92, 97)cm/26(28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38)“, using approx 500 (600, 700, 900, 1100, 1300) metres of any yarn that knits to the recommended tension. Top photo shows 86.5 cm chest (left) and 76.5 cm chest (right). Bottom photo shows chest size 71.5 cm (with stitch patterning rather than stripes).

Someone offered to buy this jumper from me off the display at a fibre festival and my son was horrified. Ergo: kids will wear this one. Mine will, anyway. Uses any DK/8 ply yarn.