Honey Diamond Cowl by Jerica Tompkins

Honey Diamond Cowl

January 2017
Aran (8 wpi) ?
US 9 - 5.5 mm
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Today I am sharing a gorgeous knit stitch I discovered. While it may look complicated you will be surprised how easy it is to do!

I opted to create a very textured cowl with it and I absolutely love the result! Once you get a hang of the pattern this project works up really easy and fast. I was able to do this cowl in less than 3 hours.

That’s with learning a brand new stitch!

When I first started knitting I was so intimidated with stitches like this. I would look at the photos and think, “There’s no WAY I could do something like that!” but, with a little determination and the reality that I will most likely have to frog projects at times, I have fallen in LOVE with trying new patterns out.

~Jerica Tompkins