Hot Shot Cowl by Cally Monster

Hot Shot Cowl

October 2018
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
16 stitches = 4 inches
in Faux Brio
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
300 - 400 yards (274 - 366 m)
one size
Flag of English English
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

The Hot Shot Cowl is the perfect introduction to the Faux Brio stitch (aka Fisherman’s Rib)! This crazy fun stitch produces the same fabric as the traditional Brioche stitch but without all the brking and brping. Simply knit or purl into the stitch below and watch the magic happens!

This cowl combines a ribbed section with a knit section in the round to easily get you familiar and comfortable with this highly addictive stitch.

After you become addicted, you will love to try the other patterns in my Hot Series- Coming in Hot, Hot Line, and soon to be released- Some Like it Hot!

The knit/purl one below is an exciting and easy stitch that alternates one easy action, working into the stitch one row below the stitch on the needle, with a knit or a purl. Simply insert the right needle into the middle of the stitch directly below the first stitch on your left needle, knit/purl as you normally would, allowing the stitch to fall off the left needle as usual.

Bristol Ivy has made an amazing video on how to fix mistakes- Laddering down in Brioche and Fisherman’s Rib