In the Drift by Lizzy Ten-Hove

In the Drift

April 2020
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
32 stitches and 44 rows = 4 inches
US 1 - 2.25 mm
300 - 500 yards (274 - 457 m)
Sizes 1 (2, 3, 4), to fit a foot circumference of 7” (8”, 9”, 10”) or 18 cm (20.5 cm, 23 cm, 25.5 cm) with about 0.5” of negative ease
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

more precious

than a wet rose

single on a stem—

you are caught in the drift.

Stunted, with small leaf,

you are flung on the sand
- from H.D.’s “Sea Rose”

In this time of global pandemic, I’ve found myself turning frequently to the poetry of the imagist H.D. Particularly in her earliest collection Sea Garden, the theme of beauty appearing in harsh, inhospitable, or confined environments is a recurring one. In “Sea Rose,” the beleaguered wild rose, is precious not in spite of its meagre flower and sparse leaves, but because of them. Its salt-stunted fragility becomes beauty and strength.

In the Drift is designed for a time when we are all a little adrift, seeking ways to soothe ourselves and our loved ones, sometimes at a distance. Socks are my go-to for hard times: interesting enough to distract me, but not more difficult than my fragmented attention can handle. Here, a meditative pattern of purl knots mimics the texture of sand and salt, simple enough to show off that treasured skein of semisolid or variegated sock yarn yet engaging to knit. I hope this pattern brings you a little comfort in this time, and that you knit it in safety.

This pattern has been test knit and tech edited. Thank you to Tian Connaughton for tech editing, and to Matt Patenaude for photography.

100% of any proceeds from this pattern—everything left after Paypal and Ravelry fees—goes to the World Health Organization COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. (Update: these donations now go to the WHO Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund.4)

Tiered pricing is available to make this pattern affordable for everyone, no matter their financial circumstances. Use the codes STAYHOME25 for 25% off, STAYHOME50 for 50% off, or STAYHOME100 for 100% off the cost of the pattern.