Jacket in Knit by Workbasket Magazine

Jacket in Knit

May 1965
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
968 - 1144 yards (885 - 1046 m)
37 (41, 45) inches

Directions for this simple but smart jacket are given in three sizes - small (32-34), medium (36-38) and large (40-42).

The model was made of 9 (10, 11) one-ounce balls Spinnerin Frostlon Petite for main color and about 2 one-ounce balls for contrasting color. Spinnerin Marvel Twist or Nylaine Germantown Worsted can be substituted in following amounts: 6 (7, 8) four-ounce skeins for main color and a portion of 1 four-ounce skein for contrasting color.

One pair each numbers 6 and 8 standard knitting needles and a number 6 circular needle will be needed.


  • Body Measurement: At bustline, 35 (39, 43) inches
  • Garment Measurement: At bustline, 37 (41, 45) inches

5 sts equal 1 inch, 7 rows equal 1 inch