January Mandala

January 2020
Katia Capri
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
22 repeats = 4 inches
3.0 mm
142 - 153 yards (130 - 140 m)
Flag of English English Russian Swedish
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

When I have sat with my crochet projects, an idea has emerged in my head. What can you find in this year, 2020?

My idea is:


12 Months

12 Mandalas

What do you think, Can it be fun?

Mandala must not be too big, there should be the opportunity to get ready before the new month, no stress and pressure. Crochet = Relax !!
You should be able to crochet with the residual yarns you have at home. Are some of my thoughts.

The first Saturday of every month at 8:00 am the pattern will be published on my blog.

This is the first mandala, January.