Jingle Mouse - Cat Toy by Dooley and Spud

Jingle Mouse - Cat Toy

December 2012
Sport (12 wpi) ?
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Flag of English English
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

A cute little cat toy pattern that has a bell ball inside for extra playtime fun. A quick and easy project, a great first knitted toy project for beginners. Consider making one for a kitty in need!

Basic Skills Necessary:

•knit (knit)
•knit front and back (kfb)
•knit two together (k2tog)
•slip slip knit (ssk)

Feel free to sell any of the Jingle Mice you make yourself, but please do not distribute this pattern without my permission.

Purchase the full set of Jingle Animals - Cat Toys here: