Joan's Magic Loop Doll Mittens by Joan Duquette

Joan's Magic Loop Doll Mittens

October 2019
28 stitches = 4 inches
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
18 inch doll
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This is a PDF knitting pattern for mittens to fit an 18-inch doll similar to American Girl doll. The pattern uses the magic loop method.

I’m a knitter who has always been very awkward with double pointed needles and I was overjoyed when I learned the magic loop method of knitting, so I decided to develop an easy mitten pattern for 18-inch dolls using magic loop and I want to share it with you.

These mittens have been designed to be knit in the round using the magic loop method and are knit the same for both hands. They are knit starting at the cuff using rib stitch. Stitches are increased at the start of the hand right after the cuff and the rest of the mitten is knit using stockinette stitch. After a few rounds of the hand are knitted, some hand stitches are designated for the thumb and are placed on scrap yarn until the rest of the hand is finished. Decreases are made to shape the hand portion and the end is then closed. The thumb stitches are then transferred back to the needles and knit in the round.

Needles: I use either US#1 (2.25 mm) or US#2 (2.75 mm) circular needles at least 32” long, depending on the yarn I use, or size you need to obtain correct gauge.

Gauge: Approximately 7 stitches/inch 28 stitches in 4 inches.
Yarn: I use #3 light worsted or DK yarn for the mittens, which gives me a gauge of approximately 7 stitches/inch 28 stitches in 4 inches.

Other Supplies: Stitch holder or scrap yarn. I use scrap yarn to hold live stitches because I find it easier than a stitch holder for such a small project. You’ll also need a yarn needle.

You are welcome to sell the completed knitted items from this pattern, but please credit me with the design and if possible provide a link to my Ravelry store for the pattern. Please do not sell this pattern. It is free.