"Knit-Look" Chunky Headwarmer by Jennifer Renaud

"Knit-Look" Chunky Headwarmer

This pattern is available for free

This design is Free on my blog: http://www.acrochetedsimplicity.com/?p=994

I had been trying to come up with an idea for super quick gifts this year and then one day inspiration struck for this “Knit-Look” Chunky Headwarmer! It’s PERFECT for teacher gifts and gifts for family….even picky teenagers!

It’s also PERFECT for craft fairs! I used Lion Brand Hometown USA (less than a skein and usually found for around $3.00) and a large button. But the BEST part?!?! It took less than a half hour to make, including sewing on the button! The combination of the cost and time to create makes it a PERFECT item for craft fairs!

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“Knit-Look” Chunky Headwarmer is an A Crocheted Simplicity Original Design.**

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For more information, see: http://www.acrochetedsimplicity.com/?p=994