Knitter's Dreamtime Wall Hanging by Jane Thornley

Knitter's Dreamtime Wall Hanging

January 2010

This evolved from my lifelong fascination and desire to learn from aboriginal and indigenous peoples the world over. On my last trip to Australia, I continued reading and learning as much as I could about the Australian Aboriginals and there began a wall hanging I called the ‘Knitters Dreamtime’.

Though nothing like the true Dream time creation myths of the Aboriginal peoples, the project focused on immortalizing some aspect of my life in knitted stone, in this case the knitter’s hand. From the central hand motif radiates energy swirls that capture the energy and creativity that emanates from the human hand – a reoccurring motif in many prehistoric pictographs and rock art in Australia and the world over.

The basis of this project is to capture that place between a rock and a soft place and to knit stone. Instructions and inspirations for this project are available in the February issue of the Inspired Knitters Club. More details here:

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