Kowhai square by Jenness Fulton

Kowhai square

October 2019
DK (11 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
219 - 241 yards (200 - 220 m)
5 inches and 10 inches
Flag of English English
This pattern is available for $2.00 USD
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This square was inspired by the kōwhai tree (Māori pronunciation: kɔːɸai or kɔːfai). It is one of my series of “birds’ eye view” squares. The word ‘kōwhai’ is the Māori word for ‘yellow’ and it gets its name from the flowers of the kōwhai tree which are a bright yellow and attract native birds like the Tūī. I wanted it to look like the flowers were in full bloom where all you can see is the flowers. This square is 10” but you can stop after round 10 to give a 5” square. I have used the 5” and 10” squares together to create a granny square bag (longer sides with the large squares and shorter sides with 2 smaller squares joined together and a plain base).