Lady's Jumper by Copley

Lady's Jumper

by Copley
Copley's 2-ply Excelsior Shetland Wool
Light Fingering ?
7.5 stitches and 9.5 rows = 1 inch
in Stockinette Stitch
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 5 - 3.75 mm
34-36" Bust

Long sleeved model: 9 ozs. Copley’s 2-ply “Excelsior” Shetland Wool.
Short sleeved model: 6 ozs. Copley’s 2-ply “Excelsior” Shetland Wool.
1 pair No. 12 & 1 pair No. 9 knitting needles (Old UK).

Measurements when pressed:
Width all round at underarm, to fit a 34-36 inch bust.
Length from the top of the shoulder to the base, 19½ inches.
Length of sleeve seam, 4 inches (short sleeved model).

7½ stitches and 9½ rows to 1 square inch in stocking stitch using No. 9 needles.