Lady's Jumper Cardigan #837 by Copley

Lady's Jumper Cardigan #837

by Copley
Light Fingering ?
7 stitches and 9 rows = 1 inch
in Stockinette Stitch
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
US 5 - 3.75 mm
To fit 33-34 inch bust

This jumper is snug in fit and fabric. The stepped front in cable stitch is very slimming and the gay buttons give it an air of abandon. Choose a gay colour to give glamour to your tweeds. Suggest Tulip Pink 1117, Pilot blue 230 and Turf Green 239.

8 oz. Copley’s 3-ply Excelsior or Climax wool
1 pair No. 11 Coploid knitting needles (old UK sizes)
1 pair No. 9 Coploid knitting needles (old UK sizes)
1 spare double pointed needle (or cable needle)
11 buttons

Length from shoulder to lower edge: 18 1/2 inches
Width all around underarm: to fit 33-34 inch bust
Length of sleeve seam: 19 inches

Using number 9 needles (3.75mm needles), work to produce 7 sts and and 9 rows in stockinette.