Lateralus by Lauren C. Brown


February 2021
Aran (8 wpi) ?
17 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
US 5 - 3.75 mm
150 - 200 yards (137 - 183 m)
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD buy it now

Don’t you just love Tool? If you haven’t heard “Lateralus,” check it out now and then come back.

Now. I named these gloves Lateralus because they use tight lattice stitch, reverse tight lattice stitch, Latvian braids, and, yes, some lateral thinking to design a reverse Latvian braid. I really wanted my gloves to be symmetrical. I fought for hours to figure out how to get the traditional right-pointing braid to point left, raged, and eventually embarrassed myself when I realized it was quite simple and can even be done two ways, one much harder (which I attempted at first). I included written instructions and a few photos, and I tried to include a YouTube video as well, but since the height of my recording equipment setup is my phone tucked in my bra to get the best POV of my hands, the video quality is of course dreadful. My apologies. But perhaps the video isn’t really necessary anyway.

I have included a LOT of explanations in these instructions (including photos and charts and a crappy YouTube video demonstrating the left-leaning Latvian braid), but don’t be intimidated. I meticulously detailed each step of the braid and tight lattice stitch, which blimped out the pattern length, but it’s not that hard once you get going.

Oh, one more thing--I made these during the MISERABLE week of the winter storm in Texas that knocked out power and water and led to people literally freezing to death in their homes because Texas is simply not built to withstand that kind of weather. I intend to use proceeds from pattern sales to purchase water purification tablets to give to friends still in need, or who will be in need if we are so unfortunate again. Please consider donating to help us.

Now then. Let’s lateralize!