Loki lopapeysa by YRJA knit / Edda Andresdottir

Loki lopapeysa

January 2024
yarn held together
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
13 stitches = 4 inches
in Stockinette
US 10 - 6.0 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
930 - 1367 yards (850 - 1250 m)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7 (Sweater circumference: 89-97-102-109-117-122-129 cm)
English Icelandic
This pattern is available for $8.00 USD buy it now

The Loki sweater is a classic Icelandic Lopapeysa. It draws it´s name from a sly person in Norse mythology. Loki was a shape shifter and is said to have in separate incidents appeared in the form of a salmon, a mare and a fly, and even an elderly woman. He was thought to be the causer of knots, tangles and loops and the inventor of the fishnet.

There is, however, nothing sly or knotty about this sweater. It is gender neutral, and worked in the traditional way, bottom up, in the round. Sleeves and body are gathered at the yoke, which is then worked in the round. Short rows may be added at the bottom of the yoke for better fit. Then the colorwork pattern is knitted, including decreases to shape the yoke. Finally, the neckband is worked.

Sizes: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 -7. The sweater body circumference is 89-97-102-109-117-122-129 cm / 35 - 38 ¼ - 40 ¼ - 43 - 46 - 48 - 50 ¾ in.

Gauge: 13 sts in stockinette = 10 sm / 4 in.

Needles: Main needles for yoke, body and sleeves: Circular needles in different lengths, size to obtain the right gauge. Recommended size: 6 US size 10. For cuffs and collar: Circular needles and set of double pointed needles 4 ½ US size 7. One long circular needle in each size is sufficient, if the magic loop technique is used.

Yarn: Álafoss plötulopi (100 g = approx. 300 m/328 yd) held triple or alternatively Álafosslopi (100 g = 100 m/109 yd), or similar wool yarn. The sweater featured is knitted up with plötulopi colors A 1026 Ash, B 2025 Gulf Stream and C 1030 Light Beige.

The pattern requires basic knowledge of knitting techniques: Cast on, knit and purl, increases (M1R and M1L) and decreases (k2tog). You will be working stranded colorwork with two and three colors simultaneously and a little grafting is needed for finishing. Tips and explanations are incorporated in the pattern description, as well as charts, abbreviations and other useful information.