Maewyn Saint Patrick doll by UnePelotedeLaine Ursula

Maewyn Saint Patrick doll

March 2023
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
not necessary
2.5 mm
3.0 mm
27 cm
English French
This pattern is available for €5.00 EUR
buy it now or visit pattern website

This pattern is available in FRENCH & ENGLISH (US Terms) - it’s not a finished doll !

this pattern was designed to make an adorable little doll Saint Patrick, MAEWYN !

This project is best for crocheters who already have some experience making toys, but beginners who want to learn can give it a go as well - all techniques are explained in the pattern with many step-by-step photos, it’s q detailed and illustrated tutorial of 10 pages!

What you need:

  • colors for Maewyn (more detail in the pattern)
  • Black and golden sewing thread
  • Hypoallergenic stuffing material
  • Yarn needle
  • 2,5 mm/3mm crochet hook
  • Scissors
  • Stitch marker (optional)

Following this pattern you can make a 27 cm lovely doll

I’m excited to see your MAEWYN ;-). Please share and tag your picture on INSTAGRAM with me hashtag #unepelotedelaine #SaintPatricksDay!

Happy crochet!

ALL RIGH RESERVED 2023, designed and created by #UnePelotedeLaine.
The pattern is for personal use only. The pattern (or parts of it) may not be published (printed or online), reproduced, altered, swapped, or resold. You can sell your final product (creation), handmade by yourself (not wholesale!) in a limited number or show photos of them online if you give credit to the designer!
Please add the following note to your item, description and published photos:

“Design and pattern by #UnePelotedeLaine /