Main Street Slouchy Hat by Laree VanOrden

Main Street Slouchy Hat

December 2013
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20 stitches = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
190 - 219 yards (174 - 200 m)
Small and Medium

Any worsted weight yarn (I used Lana D’oro)
Size 6 16” circular needles
also size 6 Dpns

Errata: On first round of decrease row for small size should read: (K31, K2tog, K31, K2tog, K31, K2tog) -96 stitches remain.

Simple Slouchy hat with a K2, P2 Brim. Stockinette Stitch with Kfb increase and K2tog, P2tog and SSK decreases. Has a really pretty circle design on the back of the hat, check projects to see the back of the hat (I didn’t know how to upload more photos on here).Great Beginning in the round hat project, super easy knit. enjoy!! =)