Mania Slip Stitch Purse by MaryKate Newcomb

Mania Slip Stitch Purse

no longer available from other sources show
December 2006
Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
19.0 mm (S)
5.0 mm (H)
150 - 200 yards (137 - 183 m)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

I’m a painfully slow knitter, but I love the look and texture of knitted fabric. Crocheted slip stitch does a bang-up job mimicking a knitted fabric, with the added advantage of super-strong construction - perfect for purses!

Gauge is not crucial for this pattern. If you crochet tightly, make an effort to loosen up your stitches a little for this project. Slip stitch is extremely dense and will give your hands a workout.


  • 3 hanks Lion Brand Big or Big Prints, OR pliable rope, roving yarn, or any type of super-super-bulky yarn.
  • 1 skein Moda Dea Wild to match, or matching color worsted weight yarn for the top panels of the purse, handle attachment, and closure.
  • Optional scrap yarn for crochet flower embellishments.