Multi-Coloured Blouse by Jane Koster & Margaret Murray

Multi-Coloured Blouse

January 1945
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
7 stitches = 1 inch
in st. st. and g. st. stripes
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
34" bust
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Multi-Coloured Blouse
for almost any occasion

picture on page 9
pattern pages 13-15
Available for borrowing at the

4 oz. of 3-ply wool in maroon
1 oz. of 3-ply wool in green
1 oz. of 3-ply wool in yellow

1 pair each of No. 10 and No. 12 needles
3 small buttons

Length: 19 ins.
Bust size: 34 ins.
Sleeve seam: 5 ins.

7 sts. to 1 in. measured over and stripes

“Brunettes will be flattered in the striped, multi-coloured jumper, and the more vivid the colours chosen for the stripes, the smarter it will be.”

“The yoke and sleeves of this jumper are in moss stitch, and the rest in garter stitch ridges; the original was in maroon, green, and yellow.”

ERRATA: Pattern says “Rep. from ** to ** twice, ending second rep. with 2 rows in and working for only 1 in. instead of 2 ins.” However that would make 5 short row waist shapings, and the picture has only 4. Also, 4 waist shapings gives the correct bust measurement of 34”, but 5 would make the bust 40”. So instead, I’m doing only 4 waist shapings like the picture, rather than the 5 in the pattern.