Numbers Squares by Daisy and Storm

Numbers Squares

January 2020
This pattern is available for free.

Patterns for a knitted number squares. Great as a dishcloths or washcloths or with other squares to form a blanket or afghan. There are lots more free knitted square patterns available on my website too.

Both chart and written pattern are included.

Finished square (using DK yarn and 4 mm - US6, UK8 - needles) approximately 22 cm x 22 cm (8.5 inches x 8.5 inches)

Of course you can use any plain yarn with the manufacturers recommended needle size, but if it is a different weight yarn it will change the size of the square. Light, plain coloured yarns show up the image best.

This square is the same size as my other free squares - together they could make a fantastic afghan!