Octopus Beanie Hat by The Crafty Flutist

Octopus Beanie Hat

February 2014
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
5.0 mm (H)
150 - 300 yards (137 - 274 m)
baby, toddler, child, adult
This pattern is available for free.

This cute hat is super easy and very quick to make. I haven’t tested all of the sizes so please let me know if you find any mistakes and I will do my best to correct them.

Don’t fret too much over the tentacle placement. Important thing is that you end up with 8 tentacles and that they semi line up towards the front of the hat but aren’t going to be in the face of the person wearing the hat. I find that placing a stitch marker in the stitches where the tentacles are going to be makes it a lot easier. Also feel free to make the tentacles as long or as short as you like, just keep in mind that the tentacles will spiral and end up being about half the length of your chain.