Peony Hat by Halfknit Studios

Peony Hat

May 2022
DK (11 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
US 5 - 3.75 mm
130 - 140 yards (119 - 128 m)
adult size head
This pattern is available for $2.00.

This hat can be worked up in 2 colors or 5 colors and directions are given for both. You will need 50 grams each of 2 colors if you are doing the 2 color version. If you are doing the five color version, you will need about 30 grams each of 2 main colors and 15 grams each of 3 colors. Use whatever method you like best for working in the round. The pictured hats were each worked on a 16 inch cod needle and finished on double points.