Playmates Sweater #1217-A by The Spool Cotton Company

Playmates Sweater #1217-A

This sweater is made of a main worsted weight yarn, and 3 colours of DK yarn for the embroidery.

It matches “Playmates Mittens No. 1217-B”, “Playmates Hood No. 1217-C” and “Playmates Cap No. 1217-D”.

Finished size: 35.5” Bust (14), 37.5” Bust (16), 39.5” Bust (18), 41.5” Bust (20)

Yarn quantity: Main yarn: Sizes 14 and 16 - 18 oz. Size 18 - 20 oz. Size 20 - 22 oz. Embroidery yarn: 1 oz. each colour.