Pokemon Leafeon by Blue Fox Paws

Pokemon Leafeon

September 2017
4.0 mm (G)
This pattern is available for £2.50 GBP
buy it now or visit pattern website

This Leafeon is enjoyable to make yet can be fiddly at times so patience is required.
It also includes double and treble crochet so please make sure you know how to do these stitches before considering purchasing this pattern.

Materials used: Yarn, toy stuffing, felt, craft wire (pipe cleaner)

Technique used: crochet, embroidery

Needle felting is an option for this pattern.

I do not own this character. Leafeon belongs to Nintendo.

Please do not claim this pattern as your own or sell the finish products for your own profit as I spent a lot of time working on this pattern.
However, feel free to share your finished products on social media, but please give credit and possibly a link to the listing ;D
Thank you!