Prairie Pocket Vest by Gina Mastrianni

Prairie Pocket Vest

May 2021
yarn held together
+ DK
= Worsted (9 wpi) ?
13 stitches and 17.5 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
7.0 mm
2.25 mm (B)
5.0 mm (H)
693 - 1098 yards (634 - 1004 m)
1 (2, 3, 4, 5) (6, 7, 8) intended to fit bust sizes 80 (90, 100, 110, 120) (130, 140, 150) cm / 31.5 (35.5, 39.25, 43.25, 47.25) (51.25, 55, 59)”
This pattern is available for kr.80.00 NOK buy it now

Pattern by Gina Mastrianni. This pattern is intended for private use only and is not permitted to be reshared or to sell garments using this pattern. Please tag me on IG and use the #PrairiePocketVest hashtag!

Disclaimer: This vest has only been tested in Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4. If I receive requests to test knit other sizes, I will edit the pattern (if needed) and send out an update!

Garment Construction:
The pattern provides the basis for a cropped vest with three different ribbing alternatives. The vest is knit with yarn held double; pockets are knit with yarn held single. All vest styles are knit bottom-up with a provisional cast on and the lower half of the vest is knit flat. Stitches are bound off for the underarms and the front and back top halves are knit flat. Shoulders are seamed together with a tapestry needle. Two pockets are knit and all items are blocked before going forward. The ribbings (neckline, hem, armholes, button bands) are worked after blocking. You can mix and match your ribbing and details, but the pattern will be divided into three styles:

*Style A: i-cord at neckline and hem; k1,p1 ribbing for button band, armholes and pockets.
Style B: Seed st at neckline, hem, button band, armholes and pockets.
Style C: k1,p1 rib at neckline, button band, armholes and pockets; crocheted scalloped edge hem.

Lastly, the pockets are crocheted onto the vest. Embroidery can be worked on all vest styles after completion. Some simple tips will be given, but it is not considered to be exclusively taught here!

Sizes are written as follows:
1 (2, 3, 4, 5) (6, 7, 8) and intended to fit bust sizes 80 (90, 100, 110, 120) (130, 140, 150) cm / 31.5 (35.5, 39.25, 43.25, 47.25) (51.25, 55, 59)” with ease of 7 (6.25, 8.5, 7.75, 7) (6.25, 8.5, 7.75) cm / 2.75 (2.25, 3.5, 3, 2.75) (2.25, 3.5, 3)”. Choose a larger size if you prefer additional ease!

A. Length: 47.25 (48.25, 49.5, 50.75, 51.25) (52.25, 53.5, 54.75) cm / 18.5 (19, 19.5, 20, 20.25) (20.5, 21, 21.5)”

B. Bust (and Hem Opening): 87 (96.25, 108.5, 117.75, 127) (136.25, 148.5, 157.75) cm / 34.25 (37.75, 42.75, 46.25, 50) (53.5, 58.5, 62)”

C. Hem to Underarm Divide: 24 / 9.5”

D. Armhole Depth: 20.25 (21.5, 22.5, 23.75, 24.25) (25.5, 26.5, 27.75) cm / 8 (8.5, 9, 9.25, 9.5) (10, 10.5, 11)”

E. Neckline Opening Width: 15.5 (15.5, 15.5, 17, 17) (18.5, 18.5, 18.5) cm / 6 (6, 6, 6.75, 6.75) (7.25, 7.25, 7.25)”

Yarn - held double!
Linde Garn (House of Yarn) Ren Ull: 100% wool (100 m / 109 yards = 50 g / 176 oz)
DK / 11 wpi

Gauge / 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4” (blocked)
Stockinette with 7 mm needles: 13 sts x 17.5 rows

Yardage Estimates (total)
576 (626, 692, 746, 800) (852, 932, 1004) m / 630 (685, 757, 816, 875) (932, 1020, 1098) yards

Yardage Estimates with an extra 10% buffer
634 (688, 762, 822, 880) ( 938, 1026, 1104) m / 692 (752, 834, 898, 962) (1024, 1120, 1208) yards


  • 3.5 mm / US 4 double pointed needles or short cable length
  • 4.5 mm / 7 UK / US 7 double pointed needles or short cable length 5 mm / H
  • 8 crochet hook (or very similar)
  • 2.25 mm / B 1 crochet hook (or very similar) for attaching pockets * 5 mm / 6 UK / US 8 circular needles, cable length approx 40 - 60 cm
  • 7 mm / 2 UK circular needles, cable length length approx 50 - 80 cm
  • Tapestry needle that can fit yarn held double Waste yarn, 2 m / 80”
  • Pins to set pockets in place
  • Measuring tape 4 (4, 4, 5, 5) (5, 5, 5) buttons - Note that some testers deviated and used additional buttons.

Pattern Info:
-I use abbreviations in my patterns, which may not always be beginner friendly.

-This is somewhat of a 3-in-1 options pattern PDF. Therefore it is quite lengthy at 7 pages of text, 9 pages of photos/techniques.

-If you are working Style B with Seed St ribbing, you technically can do a LTCO instead of a provisional cast on if that is what is keeping you from trying this pattern. :-)

Tester Info:
Size 1: Mieke
Yarn: 1 African Expressions Love / 1 African Expressions Joy
Style: A

Size 1: Myself
Yarn: unknown wool yarn
Style: A

Size 2: Myself
Yarn: Linde Garn Ren Ull
Style B without buttons

Size 2: Edeline
Yarn: Hirayahcrafts Cotton
Style B with buttons

Size 2: Maisie
Yarn: Sirdar Country Style Double Knitting
Style A

Size 3: Else
Yarn: Linde Garn Ren Ull
Style C

Size 3: Alexa
Yarn: Chaska Muku
Style A

Size 4: Alma
Yarn: Yarn Bee: Must be Merino
Style B