Quick to Knit Light Jumper by Evette

Quick to Knit Light Jumper

by Evette
November 1935
Light Fingering ?
8 stitches = 1 inch
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
This pattern is available for free.

You may be looking for a light-weight jumper that is a little out of the ordinary in design, and in this garment, knitted in 2-ply wool you will find your ideal. The design is very simple, being mainly in stocking-stitch with the rows of “holes” to add a pretty touch.

To make this jumper you will require:—
4oz. 2-ply fingering in golden yellow.
1oz. 2-ply in brown
1 pair No. 13 and 1 pair No.10 needles
A button for the waist.

The tension is about 8 stitches to the inch in width.