Quickly Knitted Bolero by The Western Mail

Quickly Knitted Bolero

December 1942
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
6 stitches and 8 rows = 1 inch
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
32-34" bust
This pattern is available for free.

Even in the warmest weather tennis-players need just that little something to slip on between games. Of course here are lots of other occasions when such a jacket would be a handy thing to possess, so don’t dismiss the possibility of giving it as a Christmas gift just because you have no tennis-playing friends. If you can’t think of anyone else to knit it for … why, then knit it for yourself.

Materials … and all that
THE original was knitted with 5oz of 4-ply wool. Use No 10 needles for the armhole bands and front facings, and knit the bolero itself on No 8 needles.

If you keep a tension of 6 sts and 8 rows to the inch, measured over the pattern worked on No 8 needles, you should have a garment to fit a bust measurement of 32-34 inches. Length from shoulder to lower edge will be 15in.