Ribbed Dog Coat by Machine Knitting Monthly design

Ribbed Dog Coat

September 2007
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
16¾ inch long dog

1 x 100 grams of 4 ply in main colour and,
1 x 100 grams in contrast colour A and,
1 x 50 grams of contrast colour B.

Length excludes collar.

This coat originally titled “1x1 Ribbed Dog Coat” and the Tuck Stitch Dog Coat in this issue. The first two coats: 2x2 ribbed coat and miniature poodle coat were in the July 2007 issue; the double moss stitch coat and striped and plain stocking stitch coat were in the August 2007 issue.