Running Horses Cowl by Oak Designs MI

Running Horses Cowl

January 2019
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
12 stitches and 14 rows = 2 inches
in Stranded knitting
US 6 - 4.0 mm
300 - 375 yards (274 - 343 m)
Short and tall versions included in pattern
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

10/22/2019: this pattern was edited to correct minor errors in the charts.

This is a pattern for a fair isle cowl with traditional Scandinavian horse motifs applied in a contemporary style. The use of worsted weight yarn makes for bold images. The horse motifs are from Mary Jane Mucklestone’s 150 Scandinavian Motifs. The pattern contains two versions of the cowl. One short version with one row of running horses (~8” tall) and a taller version with two rows of running horses (~11”).

This cowl requires knowledge of basic stranded knitting techniques. The patterns is partially written, but the horse motifs are charted, so you will have to be comfortable reading charts (concise instructions included, i.e. where to start reading and the number of repeats). Both pieces are worked in the round and you will be carrying no more than two colors per row. This pattern has specific instructions for left-handed knitters where applicable.