Ryder, the Mercury Dragon by Marie Overton

Ryder, the Mercury Dragon

November 2020
GuChet Yarns, Metallic Shimmer
yarn held together
+ DK
= Worsted (9 wpi) ?
4.25 mm (G)
2500 - 3000 yards (2286 - 2743 m)
This pattern is available from etsy.com for $8.99.

The name Ryder means messenger. He is the first in a series of dragons inspired by the planets in our solar system and the gods they were named after. (I am a big science and history geek so this idea appealed to me.) Mercury was messenger of the gods and as such I made him sleek and streamlined with huge wings. Technically he is a wyvern. As his objective would be speed, I though this was appropriate. I love how bright the red is in contrast to the rocky gray (like the planet mercury). I created him in a continuous manner so there is less sewing involved. I would rate him as an intermediate to advanced project. All in all he is a lovely little dragon.