Scotland Mystery Shawl KAL by Meagheen Ryan

Scotland Mystery Shawl KAL

May 2015
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
4 stitches and 6 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 6 - 4.0 mm
690 - 700 yards (631 - 640 m)
18inches x 68 inches
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Scotland, the U.K.’s northernmost country, is a land of mountain wildernesses such as the Cairngorms and Western Highlands, interspersed with glacial glens and lochs. Scotland is also the ‘home of golf’, typified by the 16th-century Old Course at St Andrews. But more than that it is a country of strong independent people
Her people are her greatest treasure, they are friendly and kind. She also has amazing folklore and stories including Nessy but then what does on expect from a country so magical that its national animal is a Unicorn.
Bagpipes and highland games are a must see. I have great affection and love for my sister Celtic country.

Approx 1000 size 6 beads are needed.